Accumetra Presents at the 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Yokohoma, Japan
10 / 14 / 17
October 14, 2017 Accumetra will present two invited talks, two posters, and is co-author on a Plenary Talk at WCLC 2017:
- WS 01.12 - Planning for USA Registries for CT Screened Images – What Are Their Objectives?
- WS 02.15 - Quality Control for Lung Imaging Biomarkers.
- P2.13-026b - A Novel Ultra Low Cost CT Image Quality Measurement Device.
- P3.13-035 - Automatic Estimation of Measurement Error on CT Imaging.
- PL 01.02 - Major Advances in CT Screening: A Radiologist’s Perspective.
More information on the presentation and the conference will be available at the WCLC 2017 website.