Accumetra and RSNA/QIBA Launch QIBA Conformance Certification Services at RSNA 2018
RSNA’s Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) and Accumetra have launched the first QIBA Conformance Certification Service for verification of CT small lung nodule volume measurements. This new paid service enables clinical sites to verify that their CT scanners and software analysis tools are performing at a sufficient level to reliably measure the volume and change in volume of small solid lung nodules. A clinical site receives an institution-specific QIBA Conformance Certification Mark that can be used to communicate the site’s small lung nodule performance achievement. CT scanner and nodule analysis software vendors can also achieve QIBA Conformance Certification for their FDA-approved products and achieve a product-specific QIBA Conformance Certification Mark to highlight the performance of their products.
This launch comes after over a year of globally deploying and testing the new CTLX1 CT image quality phantom and a cloud-based and fully automated CT phantom analysis service. The map below shows the location of the 65 CTLX1 phantoms (yellow) that have been shipped and are being used to monitor and optimize CT image quality at clinical sites around the world, thanks to support from the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Cloud-based phantom analysis servers (purple) can analyze an uploaded CTLX1 scan and send back an automated CT image quality report containing fundamental CT image quality properties within 10 minutes.
To learn more about these new services, visit us at the Accumetra/QIBA exhibit booth (South Hall Booth #1024) at the 2018 RSNA Annual meeting or visit the QIBA Conformance Certification web page.