CT Analysis Vendor
New: QIBA Conformance Certification Service for CT Analysis Vendors
Medical scanners and image analysis software systems are now routinely being used to obtain precise quantitative image measurements, which can often play a major role in patient care. It is therefore critical that CT analysis vendors demonstrate that their image analysis software has been thoroughly evaluated to achieve high levels of performance for specific measurement tasks. The Radiological Society of North America’s (RSNA) Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA®) has developed specification documents, called Profiles, that specify the requirements and technical performance needed for quantitative image measurement tasks. QIBA® is now working closely with Accumetra to provide a new QIBA® Conformance Certification Service that enables CT analysis vendors to verify conformance with a QIBA® Profile and receive a QIBA® Conformance Certification Mark that can be used to communicate the achievement.
To use this service and obtain an institution-specific QIBA® Conformance Certification Mark for an FDA approved CT analysis software version, a CT analysis software vendor must register and pay $6,000 + tax for each year of conformance certification services.
Benefits of obtaining a QIBA® Conformance Certification Mark for a CT Analysis Software Vendor:
- Demonstrate to your current and potential customers that your medical device or software meets the thorough specifications outlined in a QIBA® Profile
- Annually verify the performance of your medical device helping ensure that the high performance remains consistent under a variety of acquisition and measurement conditions.
- Provide quantitative and independently confirmed device data to your customers on the best methods and protocols to use with your medical device.
- Promote your high-performance, quantitative imaging capability by posting the QIBA® Conformance Certification Mark to your medical device or software web pages and promotional materials.
- Participation will help improve future CT lung cancer imaging guidelines.
Contact Accumetra at info@accumetra.com for additional information on these services.
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